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TOP > ROCK/POP/FOLK > A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J > Acid Mothers Temple with 梅津和時 + 山本精一 『Stones, Women and Records at 磔磔 2009』 (CD/ ROCK)

Acid Mothers Temple with 梅津和時 + 山本精一 『Stones, Women and Records at 磔磔 2009』 (CD/ ROCK)

Acid Mothers Temple with 梅津和時 + 山本精一 『Stones, Women and Records at 磔磔 2009』 (CD/ ROCK)

型番 Acid Mothers Temple / AMTCD-023



Acid Mothers Temple with 梅津和時 + 山本精一 『Stones, Women and Records at 磔磔 2009』 (CD/ ROCK)
 Acid Mothers Temple諸作品、エジレコに続々入荷。

Acid Mothers Temple史上最狂超絶パワートリオSWRが、梅津和時と山本精一を招き、怒濤の完全即興サイケデリック音曼荼羅を描いた狂気の一夜!

Acid Mothers Temple SWR:
Yoshida Tatsuya : drums, sampler, voice
Tsuyama Atsushi : bass, voice
Kawabata Makoto : guitar, guitar synthesizer

Umezu Kazutoki : saxophone
Yamamoto Seiichi : guitar, biwa

[track list]
01.Today I remained utterly unmoved when I dug up the time capsule I buried three days ago…
02.The Stiff Neck Quartet
03.Keep your sticky mitts off the azuki futures market! Part 1 ~ Alibi Lullaby
04.Super Golden Special Campaign
05.March of the Planetary Monks (those who seek the true path of fidgeting meditation)
06.Jazz – the approaching beggar
07.Keep your sticky mitts off the azuki futures market! Part 2 ~ Part 100


津和時 / Umezu Kazutoki
津和時 / Yamamoto Seiichi
ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE / アシッドマザーズテンプル